
Is Ruger blind? – Music star finally speak out

Nigerians have been asking question if Nigeria fast raising musician, and the crooner of bounce the trending music in Nigeria, is Ruger blind??

The appearance of this new artiste cause lots of comments and research or people and fans asking is ruger blind ?? No.

In recent interview with Max FM where the question was asked, Ruger is not blind , he said he is doing it to respect someone, pressuring the singer to explain more said saying it or even talking about it is disrespecting that person already.

But according to my research, Ruger is a fire arms company founded in 1949 by William B. Ruger.

Most fire arms created by this company are pistols and practically if you want to shot a pistol you either cover one eye if you’re not using a scope.

it really doesn’t matter whether you shoot with one eye open or both. Most shooting instructors will tell you that you should do what feels natural and gives you the best results. If you’ve started with one eye closed, it may be worth trying to learn how to shoot with both eyes open.

Over the years, well-practiced shooters have determined that closing one eye helps you line up your target more easily. … Thoughtfully attempting to keep that non-dominant eye shut can potentially derail the shooter’s concentration, which can result in a missed opportunity for a righteous kill shot.

I didn’t say Singer Ruger is an arms dealer or sort of this is just my opinion.

This dude sounds great and cool, in the interview with Max Fm ,Cera makes a hilarious comparison between him and Wizkid.

She said Singer Ruger looks like Wizkid, I didn’t see any comparison but you guys should help me out maybe he looks like WizKid.

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